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Protecting Patient Data

Protecting Patient Data

A robust data protection system is crucial for all businesses including healthcare providers. Along with keeping personal information regarding your clients safe, patient data privacy is also important for compliancy to privacy legislation. As a business in the...
The Importance of Uniform Destruction

The Importance of Uniform Destruction

Some threats to a company’s integrity are as obvious as they come, such as sensitive data being stolen and leaked. However, some of the risks your company faces aren’t quite as clear and are often overlooked. For most businesses, recovery and destruction of uniforms...
Welcome to the New Age of Identity Theft

Welcome to the New Age of Identity Theft

A news story from the ABC in September highlights an alarming new trend. Identity theft has evolved and poses a serious threat to anyone with personal identification stored digitally. What were the costs of identity theft? In this example, scammers used the person’s...
Identity Theft: Everything You Need to Know

Identity Theft: Everything You Need to Know

Identity theft has become one of the most widespread crimes in the country, generating significant profits for offenders. In fact, government data indicates that it costs Australians $1.6 billion annually. From individuals to private industries, no one is safe from...