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Need-to-Know Data Security Stats

Need-to-Know Data Security Stats

Data security is constantly evolving, making it one of the most difficult industries to stay on top of the latest developments. From advanced types of cyber-attacks to enhanced security measures, the current of progression is a swift one in the digital world....
Top 5 Business Documents to Shred Immediately

Top 5 Business Documents to Shred Immediately

Protecting the privacy of any sensitive data your business absorbs is paramount. Although it’s commonplace for businesses to use electronic and cloud storage systems today, some documents still require printing. When you need to dispose of sensitive papers in your...
Recycled beverage carton walls for Aussie buildings

Recycled beverage carton walls for Aussie buildings

Australian builders will soon be able to replace plywood, particle board, and plaster board with low carbon, environmentally sustainable construction boards made from packaging waste such as used beverage cartons and coffee cups. saveBOARD Australia has received a...
Shred-X Community Shredding Day – VIC

Shred-X Community Shredding Day – VIC

Shred-X Secure Destruction are pleased to support The Avenue Bowling Club, Bacchus March, VIC to provide a community shredding day. We are supporting the local community with an opportunity to dispose e-waste, archive boxes, documents and digital media for simply a...