Congratulations to the following customers who have won a travel voucher to the value of $1000* in our recent ‘Ditch your X-CESS baggage’ competition.
The winning entries had very creative responses to the question ‘Tell us in 25 words or less where you would holiday and why’.
- Mary L – Hawaii S – Sun, Sand Sea H – Happiness R – Relaxation E – Enjoyable D – Destination X – (e) Xciting
- Shanne H – I would holiday ANYWHERE where my 4 children can’t find me. Love them dearly, but its time for a break! Vanuatu Tonga, Fiji -brilliant!
- Yvonne B – Good Grief, winters not brief. I need to get to the Great Barrier Reef! Best spot in Oz. Can I go tomoz??
Thanks for cleaning out your X-CESS BAGGAGE with Shred-X Secure Destruction.
We hope you enjoy your holiday!